// This single-cell calculator defines one calculator instruction per
// public entry point (add, sub, mul, div).
// Create a simple Calc actor.
actor Calc {
flexible var cell : Int = 0;
// Define functions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide
public func add(n:Int) : async Int { cell += n; cell };
public func sub(n:Int) : async Int { cell -= n; cell };
public func mul(n:Int) : async Int { cell *= n; cell };
public func div(n:Int) : async ?Int {
if ( n == 0 ) {
// null encodes div-by-zero error
return null
} else {
cell /= n; ?cell
// Clear the calculator and reset to zero
public func clearall() : async Int {
if (cell : Int != 0)
cell -= cell;
return cell