// Import base modules
import AssocList "mo:base/AssocList";
import Error "mo:base/Error";
import List "mo:base/List";
shared({ caller = initializer }) actor class() {
// Establish role-based greetings to display
public shared({ caller }) func greet(name : Text) : async Text {
if (has_permission(caller, #assign_role)) {
return "Hello, " # name # ". You have a role with administrative privileges."
} else if (has_permission(caller, #lowest)) {
return "Welcome, " # name # ". You have an authorized account. Would you like to play a game?";
} else {
return "Greetings, " # name # ". Nice to meet you!";
// Define custom types
public type Role = {
public type Permission = {
private stable var roles: AssocList.AssocList<Principal, Role> = List.nil();
private stable var role_requests: AssocList.AssocList<Principal, Role> = List.nil();
func principal_eq(a: Principal, b: Principal): Bool {
return a == b;
func get_role(pal: Principal) : ?Role {
if (pal == initializer) {
} else {
AssocList.find<Principal, Role>(roles, pal, principal_eq);
// Determine if a principal has a role with permissions
func has_permission(pal: Principal, perm : Permission) : Bool {
let role = get_role(pal);
switch (role, perm) {
case (?#owner or ?#admin, _) true;
case (?#authorized, #lowest) true;
case (_, _) false;
// Reject unauthorized user identities
func require_permission(pal: Principal, perm: Permission) : async () {
if ( has_permission(pal, perm) == false ) {
throw Error.reject( "unauthorized" );
// Assign a new role to a principal
public shared({ caller }) func assign_role( assignee: Principal, new_role: ?Role ) : async () {
await require_permission( caller, #assign_role );
switch new_role {
case (?#owner) {
throw Error.reject( "Cannot assign anyone to be the owner" );
case (_) {};
if (assignee == initializer) {
throw Error.reject( "Cannot assign a role to the canister owner" );
roles := AssocList.replace<Principal, Role>(roles, assignee, principal_eq, new_role).0;
role_requests := AssocList.replace<Principal, Role>(role_requests, assignee, principal_eq, null).0;
public shared({ caller }) func request_role( role: Role ) : async Principal {
role_requests := AssocList.replace<Principal, Role>(role_requests, caller, principal_eq, ?role).0;
return caller;
// Return the principal of the message caller/user identity
public shared({ caller }) func callerPrincipal() : async Principal {
return caller;
// Return the role of the message caller/user identity
public shared({ caller }) func my_role() : async ?Role {
return get_role(caller);
public shared({ caller }) func my_role_request() : async ?Role {
AssocList.find<Principal, Role>(role_requests, caller, principal_eq);
public shared({ caller }) func get_role_requests() : async List.List<(Principal,Role)> {
await require_permission( caller, #assign_role );
return role_requests;
public shared({ caller }) func get_roles() : async List.List<(Principal,Role)> {
await require_permission( caller, #assign_role );
return roles;